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Chameleon Button
The Chameleon Button is the custom command button that will make the difference in your Visual Basic applications. It includes 18 different button styles, and has many advanced features that made it the chosen tool to enhance the user interface.
Chameleon Frame
The Chameleon Frame is the custom frame control that will make the difference in your Visual Basic applications. It includes 7 different styles, and has many advanced features that makes it an ideal control to enhance the user interface.
...умение беседы требует мало слов. Куда больше это искусство пауз. З. Юрьев
- уж эти евреи! Для себя выдумали сионизм, а для других марксизм!
3 дня и 3 ночи скакал Иван Царевич, пока скакалку не отобрали